“Often investments are made in the latest technology to secure IT systems, while the weakest link is not taken into account: the user”
The workplace is changing. Trends such as the mobile workforce, BYOD and the use of cloud services put new demands on security. The boundaries of the IT environment have become ill-defined, and traditional protocol is insufficient. Taken together, this demands a new approach to security and IT management. Will I allow BYOD? What cloud services are my employees allowed to use? Netbulae can give you balanced advice and has the resources to build a safe system for your company.
The security of your IT system is largely dependent on the behaviour of the user. Often investments are made in the latest technology to secure IT systems, while the weakest link is not taken into account: the user. Netbulae focuses on both. We advise on best-in-class technology and software for securing company IT and we offer user training that promotes safe use of IT services.
Are you interested? For more information, please contact: info@netbulae.eu